Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Kasumi-uchi The blinding attack

This was shared on Facebook on the site Motobu Ryu August 16, 2014
It is most useful to share further.
Kasumi-uchi (Haishu-uchi) is also used in Motobu Udundi. Uehara sensei often used to say, "Attack your opponent's eyes at first." Kasumi-uchi is a waza that has an affinity for tuiti.
is also used in the main palace of the headquarters. Dr. Uehara used to say " aim for the opponent first. It is also a skill of 親和 and 取手.

Kasumi-uchi (Haishu-uchi) is also used in Motobu Udundi. Uehara sensei often used to say, "Attack your opponent's eyes at first." Kasumi-uchi is a waza that has an affinity for tuiti
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