Saturday, September 17, 2016

Wansu Kamae

Wansu Kamae


A Kamae is a kata movement where there is ‘no movement’.  Sometimes referred to as a stop point.  One Example would be the Kamae in Wansu kata ½ way through the form,


That is a deceptive answer. For these movements can be very destructive in their own right.


One answer to the movement potential is as John Kerker demonstrates it, the hands used a descending knife hand strikes atop a striking arm, during an interior line of defense. It is the first example in this video clip, 


This would prove painful to say the least. Other alternatives would be a descending strike into the biceps and into the face, of course interior or exterior line of defense.


A different answer is also found within the interior line of defense. If the attacker comes swinging a hooking strike with the right arm the answer is just to form the Wansu Kamae as they are striking. Allow their biceps to strike into the Kamae. The harder they strike the more pain. They are striking their own biceps into the formed Kamae. This use incorporates the stillness found in the Kamae as on offensive weapon.


I first experienced this from Ernest Rothrock in a different way but the underlying principle remains the same. Then I found this within a striking drill from Tristan Sutrisno’s practice. I discovered three different ways that drill could be used, and then Sherman Harrill showed me a fourth way to use it.


Where the opening of the 1st tjimande juru (2 person drill) where you right descending knife hands into the forearm and bicep against an uppercut to the body, causes increasing pain the harder they strike. My research showed this could be done with descending double leopard paw leading edge fore knuckle strikes, and with descending middle knuckle strikes from two punches into the same spot (this being the more painful option). What Sherman had showed was use of the forearm bone could also accomplish the same thing.


You never look at Kamae the same way after this.


Other examples of Kamae could be the opening of Chinto kata, where the hands cross into an “X”, or the movement in the beginning of Kusanku Kata where you form a Kamae similar to the one in Wansu Kata. What is a  Kamae is really a choice you make when you perform a kata. How you choose to use it, is also your choice.



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