Monday, December 23, 2013

Wankan katas Shotokan gift translation

En Exclusivite pour officiel karate Kanazawa Sensei execute Wankan.


Aussi connu sous les noms de SHIOFU et HITO, c’est un kata tres representatif de Tomari-Te.


La vitesse de la projection apres avoir esqive une attaque sans donner le temps a l’adversaire de reagir en lui donnant l’impression d’une techniquie secret en karate-do, est un des points tres importants a observer.


Wankan appartient au groupe de MATSUMURA. Il a ete adopte par les styles SHOTOKAN et SHITO-RYU, mais les deux versions sone tres differentes.


Dans le style SHOTOKAN, il se distingue par les nombreuses attaques at articulations, HASAMI-UKE des deux mains en levant simultanement le genou,  JODAN SOTO-UKE, TETTSUIUCHI et KOKO-UKEau genou en bloquant KERI, etc.


C’est le KATA le plus court du SHOTOKAN. D’une execution tres difficile, il se termine avec YAMA-ZUKI en FUDODACHI, les hanches tres basses.

In Exclusiveness for official karate Kanazawa Sensei executes Wankan.


Also known under the names of SHIOFU and HITO, it is a very representative of Tomari-Te kata. The speed of projection after having dodged an attack without giving time has the adversary to react by giving to him the impression of a secret technique in Karate-Do, is one of the very important points has to observe.


Wankan belongs to the group of MATSUMURA. It has been adopted by the styles SHOTOKAN and SHITO-RYU, but the two are very different versions.


In the style SHOTOKAN, it is characterized by many attacks to the joints, HASAMI-UKE with the two hands while raising simultaneously the knee, JODAN SOTO-UKE, TETTSUIUCHI and KOKO-UKE with the knee blocking KERI, etc.


It is the shortest KATA of the SHOTOKAN. Of a very difficult execution, it finishes with YAMA-ZUKI in FUDODACHI, the very low hips.

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